Ben Gilbert_Blog Post #3
As my group continued working to improving the lawyer for a day station, the drive to find an issue worth resolving took over. It was intriguing observing how the lawyer for a day station worked, who went to it, and how their business went about. However, not actually being in a situation like the people using it, it was challenging to pin point the true issue if there was one existing.Our group made our observations based on the things we thought would be most helpful and sticking behind those observations all the way through a built test is a learning experience in and of itself.
The ability to take an observation and think through a built design that plans to help make the users jobs and day easier, is something that makes the creator want to make the best thing. Although, with the budget we had, the resources that we were allowed to use, and the rules that we had to follow with our interventions, we managed to put together a simple design that allows the users to have some sort of privacy away from the busyness outside the courtrooms. It also allowed for a more laidback spot to meet and sit down with the client. The simple moves and benefits of these modular partition walls allows for various ways they can be set up to suit the user and client.
Creating these modules to be light and maneuverable makes it easy to adjust something if it was not working as well. Whether it be the direction the openings were facing or the placement near or next to the lawyer for a day tables, they would be able to be adjusted with little effort. The decision to make them easy to move is one that the courthouse could keep on changing until they find a set up that suits the needs of the users and lawyers using them.